The Human Side of Business


TRANSFORM workplace culture

PersonalizE connections



To acknowledge and celebrate the people who comprise the heart and backbone of every business.


To design a modern portfolio of digital assets that showcases the diversity and strength of businesses, and ​enables their teams to leverage social marketing channels and increase visibility to internal and external ​stakeholders.

about tpp

Photography: Arif Ratansi


The People Project (TPP) is a novel digital strategy that uses a modern, cinematic video capturing ​approach (TPP Style) that offers businesses an extraordinary opportunity to showcase what's most ​important. YOUR PEOPLE.


Everyone wants to look and feel good when speaking on camera. From experience we know that being ​video recorded can be stressful for most people. Remaining on the sidelines may seem the best option, ​however these potential 'game changers' must also be heard. Every member of your team should feel ​confident and excited about sharing the valuable work they do.


Our profile videos are captured using a cinematic camera in a slow moving/panning manner. ​Audio/narratives are recorded off-camera while on-site to make people most comfortable. This TPP Style ​approach enables everyone to feel at ease and makes it fun to participate.

Fostering a sense of inclusion, modernizing the style, ​standardizing the process and making it fun is at the heart of ​our design approach.

tpp value proposition

Photography: Arif Ratansi


Celebrate your people:

Highlighting the achievements and contributions of team members to foster a culture of recognition and ​appreciation.

Transform workplace culture:

Encouraging a supportive and inclusive environment where every team member feels valued and ​empowered.

Personalize connections:

Personalizing connections can instil a unique sense of trust and confidence, and foster the longevity of brand ​loyalty in highly competitive environments. This goes far beyond good service. It's all about connections - with ​the skilled and dedicated people who drive your organization, external partners, customers, clients, suppliers ​and the broader communities.

Fuel your social marketing initiatives:

Leveraging engaging content to showcase the diversity and strength of your business, and leverage social ​marketing channels to increase visibility to internal and external stakeholders.

people matter

Photography: Arif Ratansi


Your team is your biggest asset - so why not show them off?

From boosting team morale to ​attracting new customers, there are countless reasons to put your team in ​the spotlight.

At BSEEN, we know that every person within an organization contributes to its success. That's why we ​believe in recognizing and promoting the people who make it happen. We design personalized TPP style ​profile videos that highlight not only the unique qualities and expertise of individuals, but also the ​exceptional work of small teams, and large groups. Whether you're looking to showcase a single employee's ​achievements, highlight the strengths of a small team, or celebrate the contributions of an entire ​department, we've got you covered.

Individual People:

Recognizing individual employees in personalized videos is a powerful way to show appreciation of their ​hard work and contributions to the business. By boosting their confidence and motivation, you may also ​improve their sense of belonging and loyalty to the company. Fostering a committed and unified approach ​amongst employees is critical to any good business.

Small Teams:

Small teams can sometimes be overlooked when it comes to recognition and appreciation, but at BSEEN ​we know that they are the backbone of most successful businesses. By producing short videos that highlight ​the sophistication of highly productive teamwork, you can show your employees how much you value their ​collaboration and dedication. Additionally, promoting your small teams can help build a positive company ​culture and foster stronger, long-lasting relationships among team members.


Large Groups, Management Teams, Departments.

Recognizing and celebrating larger groups is essential to showcasing the diversity, breadth and strength of ​your organization. A novel design method highlighting the ‘engine’ that drives your business is foundational ​to building credibility and trust among customers and stakeholders. Included in a large group approach are ​management teams, departments and other substantial groups that comprise the heart of your company. ​Showcasing your business in a manner that makes the often-invisible work of your employees visible can ​foster a sense of pride within your organization.

Toronto Metropolitan University


Photography: Arif Ratansi


The People Project offers an unparalleled media strategy that addresses a very common problem.

Part of my role as a leader and professional advocate in academia is to showcase and celebrate the ​extraordinary people I work with. Their work, perspectives and diverse personalities are nearly impossible to ​describe in any written report, and many shy away from being featured on camera.

The People Project offers an unparalleled media strategy that addresses this problem by creating a fun, ​safe and sensitive environment that enables everyone to participate and be seen in a modern stylistic way.

It has been thrilling to witness how a carefully designed and highly honed TPP style videos have both ​amplified and uniquely captured my fellow colleagues and the important work they do. Personal narratives ​recorded in comfortable workplace locations are brought to life using novel design features that capture ​the nuances of each person's story and service. These nuances are at the heart of who we are as an ​organization, highlighting also a collective voice that is unmistakably our own.

Excitement about this Project has been palpable amongst my colleagues. I cannot wait to showcase who ​they are, what they do and who they serve, locally and globally.

Coralee McLaren, RN, PhD

Associate Professor

Associate Director, Scholarship-Research-Creative (SRC)

Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto Metropolitan University


Photography: Arif Ratansi


on your people.

At the heart of every successful organization are employees who contribute their unique skills, dedication, ​and passion. When these efforts are acknowledged, workplace culture, job satisfaction, and increased ​productivity are sure to follow. Here are some employee emotions that underpin most successful businesses ​and organizations:

Appreciation: Feeling recognized and valued.

Belonging: Feeling integral to the company's success.

Confidence: Believing in their unique abilities.

Connection: Feeling connected to the company's mission, values, and culture.

Fulfillment: Achieving a sense of accomplishment.

Gratitude: Feeling grateful for being acknowledged.

Happiness: Sensing joy and contentment at work.

Motivation: Going the extra mile everyday.

Pride: Knowing their work impacts the organization.

Validation: Knowing their work and skills matter.


on your business.

Connecting with customers in an innovative and personal manner is essential to any business. Personalizing ​customer-employee connections can instill a unique sense of trust and confidence, and foster the longevity ​of brand loyalty in highly competitive environments. This goes far beyond good service. It's all about ​connection - with the skilled and dedicated people who drive your organization.

Brand Enhancement: Showcasing employees can boost brand image.

Competitive Edge: Prioritizing staff can attract new customers.

Personalization: Knowing 'your people' can foster employee-customer connections.

Recognition: Acknowledging employees can foster their personal and professional well-being.

Relationships: Privileging employee-customer relationships can foster lasting bonds.

Retention Boost: Valuing your people can foster long term company loyalty.

Service Confidence: Sharing staff expertise can boost customer confidence.

Social Media Impact: Highlighting your people can extend brand outreach, locally and globally.

Top Talent Attraction: Showcasing exceptional people can attract similar elite talent.

Trust & Transparency: Trusting relationships begin with transparency.

our products

Photography: Arif Ratansi


Modern Type vs. Modern Graphic.

At BSEEN, we understand the importance of delivering your message in a visually compelling way. That's why ​we've designed two modern TPP style cinematic video products to choose from. Both products integrate ​unique features that enhance key messages.


Modern Type:

Focuses on clean typography transitions.

Modern Graphic:

Adds an additional layer by integrating vector graphic elements with animations to enhance the narrative.

Contact us to arrange access to view samples of our TPP style cinematic video ​products and portfolio.

Toronto Metropolitan University

feature case study

Photography: Arif Ratansi

Nurturing Excellence:

Transforming Education with The People Project

In the hallowed halls of education, the Faculty of Nursing at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) ​embarked on a transformative journey. This case study unfolds the narrative of how The People Project (TPP) ​became the catalyst for highlighting exceptional nurse scholars and their individual and collaborative work ​at this Institution.

CHAPTER 1: A Faculty's Heartbeat

TMU's Faculty of Nursing recognized the need to showcase its beating heart and dedicated educators and ​researchers, and their commitment to reshaping the future of nursing this century.

CHAPTER 2: Profiling Excellence

TPP stepped in to capture the academic excellence that underpins this Faculty. Short TPP style cinematic ​videos profiled their work, reaching beyond credentials to showcase the commitment and human stories ​that illuminate what distinguishes these nurse scholars from others.

CHAPTER 3: Research Unveiled

To reveal researchers working diligently behind the scenes, TPP provided a platform. Faculty members ​shared insights into their groundbreaking research, creating a bridge between the academic community ​and the wider world.

CHAPTER 4: Nursing Narratives

Nursing isn't just a profession; it's a calling. TPP prompted the narratives of these diverse scholars, revealing ​their investment in preparing the next generation of compassionate healthcare professionals.

CHAPTER 5: Potential Impact

As TPP videos went live, the Faculty of Nursing recognized the potential impact of these videos. Students ​are poised now to connect with Faculty in a highly personal way, and imagine their own professional ​journeys modelled by nursing excellence.


This case study encapsulates how The People Project became an integral part of TMU's Faculty of Nursing, ​not just as a tool for showcasing achievements but as a medium to share the stories, dedication, and ​collaborative spirit that defines excellence in nursing education and research.


To view a collection of other case study references, click on the following link below:



Phase 3 of The People Project is now underway at Toronto Metropolitan University's School of Nursing! In ​keeping with BSEEN's mission to celebrate the heart and backbone of every team, the research, ​education and creative scholarship of 35 Faculty members is being showcased through short, ​personalized MODERN TYPE style videos to digitally elevate this critical work on an international stage.


Phase 2 of The People Project at Toronto Metropolitan University's School of Nursing has successfully ​wrapped up, and is receiving positive acclaim from faculty, staff and students via TMU digital media ​channels.


Phase 1 of The People Project at Toronto Metropolitan University's School of Nursing has successfully ​wrapped up, and is receiving positive acclaim from faculty, staff and students via TMU digital media ​channels.


The People Project is proud to announce a collaboration with The Spark of Hope Foundation. This ​registered charity has teamed up with The People Project to highlight the Foundation's impact on the ​lives and education of young women leaders. The MODERN TYPE style video captures the organization's ​culture and commitment to empowering women, primarily from the Global South and areas of conflict, ​to become the next generation of leaders in their communities.

The People Project

The human side of Business


BSEEN is thrilled to announce the official launch of website. Our website is ​designed to provide businesses with valuable information on the benefits of profiling their people and ​how it can positively impact their organization. From highlighting team member skills and expertise to ​fostering a culture of inclusion, The People Project offers a fun, unique and effective way to elevate ​your business.

The People Project

The human side of Business


BSEEN is excited to announce the launch of The People Project - The Human Side of Business, a video ​design initiative that offers businesses the opportunity to highlight their employees and team members ​in an inclusive, modern, and stylistic way. The initiative solves a common problem in video production by ​ensuring that every team member feels confident on camera. Standardizing the process, making it fun, ​and fostering a sense of inclusion is at the heart of our design approach.

Your trusted design partner.


We believe that video production is not just about 'producing' videos, but about creating exceptional ​visual experiences through design.

With a strong background in graphic design, we bring a unique perspective to the world of video ​production. Our passion lies in designing videos that captivate and inspire. Our expertise extends ​across industries such as Healthcare, Financial, Municipal, Education, Retail, Manufacturing, and ​Technology. Since 1994, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner for clients in various ​vertical markets.

contact us

Photography: Arif Ratansi


I am eager to share with you samples of our TPP style cinematic video product portfolio and inclusive design ​approach. So reach out and let’s start exploring how best to showcase your people. The heart and backbone ​of your business. Uniquely yours.

Arif Ratansi, Director

Producer, Visual Designer


Email Outline Icon


a pink camera with a heart on it logo for The People Project

bseen: video design co.

a red arrow in a circle on a white background to learn more
